May 19, 2021 Gubba Seed In E News

Gubba Cold Storage is well connected in seed industry and known for their mission on quality. A webinar on” REALISING QUALITY SEED TESTING – A QUALITY MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVE” was organized in assocaition witrh KAPA (Karnataka Agro Professionals Association) and in collaboration with Tridal Agro Management Consultancy services . The very purpose of this webinar was to make the users aware of QA & maintaining the quality of testing. The speaker was Mr. Sameer Ambekar, who is been serving seed industry from more than two decades in areas of QA. Tridal Agro Management consultancy is based at Aurangabad (MS) provides services in quality assurance to Agro based industires incldung seed companies.

Quality is generated from beginning of the product creation. It is not only production or processing department but all the functions add value to bring product quality. Owning a seed testing lab is always good for a seed company but having a reliable seed testing facility could be a boon.Though QC tests the quality, it is an integral part of quality management and thus the quality of testing is also importat part of it.
Reliable testing quality is a factor of systematic implementation of the quality management system (QMS) supported by management for its execution. The concepts in quality assurance (QA) are changing with custoomer perspecive. The concept & method of implementation of QMS was explained making it simple. The road to quality is mapped with deliberate efforts made with scientific approach keeping in mind the needs of customer. We need a to create a system that addresses customer needs that are changing with several context. To creat a reliable seed testing systme principples of HACCP could be used. The webinar was attended by more than 170 people.

Sammee Ambeykar

Gubba Group

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